With Back-to-School season upon us once again, it’s time to remember how to keep our children safe during their daily commute to school.

As parents, our number one priority is ensuring the continual safety of our children. Although we wish we could guarantee their safety at times, we can’t always be right there with them; however we can arm them with the knowledge they need and guide them toward making smart decisions.

Learn more about Bus Accidents: What to do following an accident.

Here are a few things that you can remind your child to help keep them safe, this season:

  • If your child is running late for the morning bus, make sure they know to check that the bus driver is able to see them before they run after or in front of the bus
  • Remind children to stay at least 10 feet away from a bus and wait until the bus is at a complete stop. Then your children should board the bus one at a time
  • When getting off the bus, tell your child to get to the sidewalk and away from the bus and street before stopping to talk with friends
  • Remind your child to look both ways before crossing the street, even if they are at a crosswalk

Of course, bus safety doesn’t stop at the door. Many injuries can be sustained while on the bus, and it’s important to remind our children of a few important things that will help keep them safe on their way to school every day:

  • Remind your child to be aware of loose clothing, like scarves, sweatshirts, and backpack straps when getting on or off of a bus, as these items can become caught in the door
  • Make sure that your child listens to the bus driver and doesn’t engage in activities like throwing things or jumping up and down, as this can distract the driver’s attention from the road
  • Talk to your child about bullying; if your child is being bullied on the bus, make sure that they seek help from their bus driver, teacher, or principal. Bullies thrive on silence and, in addition to harming your child, bullying and horseplay on a moving bus can also lead to serious physical injury.

Learn more Bus Accident Legal Information

Reports indicate that the oil spill leak in the Gulf of Mexico is nearing an end. The static kill is working, as the mud that was forced down a blown-out well is holding down the flow of oil.

The next step would be deciding whether to cement the well. For the past three months, BP has been drilling a relief well, which will be used later this month to execute a “bottom kill.” The “bottom kill” involves mud and cement being injected into the bedrock 2 1/2 miles below the sea floor. Federal officials said they won’t declare complete victory until they get into the well from the other end.

There is a lot of work to do in the Gulf of Mexico. The amount of oil remaining in the water from this oil spill – or washed up on the shore – is still more than four times the size of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill.

This disaster could end up costing BP $21 Billion in fines. These fines are in additional to the $20 Billion escrow fund the company has set up to pay damage claims.

Driving ATVs is a popular and fun way to spend time with family and friends in the hot summer months.

Cellino & Barnes supports your desire to ride them, but we also want you to be safe. Did you know that, on average, there are nearly 280 deaths per year attributed to ATV accidents? These powerful vehicles are potentially dangerous and carry risks if you do not exercise caution.

Here are a few tips from Cellino & Barnes ATV accident attorneys on how to stay out of harm’s way this summer. 

Perform Maintenance

Although we are midway through summer, some people are just now starting to enjoy their ATV’s. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to clean it up and check all of the hardware. Most importantly, check your wheels and brakes. Be sure your tires are secure and your brakes are properly maintained.

Make sure you dress appropriately as well. You’ll need a helmet, sturdy jeans, boots, and a riding jacket. Over 136,000 injuries were treated in emergency rooms in 2004 because riders were not properly equipped.

Hitting the Open Terrain

Now that you’re ready to taste the open air, be sure to know your vehicle. ATVs are capable of traveling at remarkably fast speeds, but they can be unpredictable, rolling over unexpectedly. These 700 pounds machines should only be driven by individuals of appropriate age to ensure that they are always under control. Anyone under the age of 16 should not be on an adult ATV, and there should only be one person riding a single passenger vehicle.

We want you to be safe and we hope that you’ll read the tips we’ve provided closely. Our tips are just a starting point. We encourage you to do some exploring of your own and look for safety classes as well.

Enjoy your summer.

Long walks through the park and picnics by the lake are all a part of a great summer experience. But being on foot makes you susceptible to dangers you may not suspect. There are nearly 20,000 pedestrian related accidents per year.

Our New York pedestrian accident attorneys have come up with a few tips to keep you and your family safe.

Follow the golden rule

Look both ways before crossing. We know you’ve heard it before (from teachers, family and friends) but this is the single most important rule of pedestrian safety. Before crossing any road, even one-way streets, look to the left first, then right, and left again. While you’re walking across the street, continue to look both ways. Also, try to be predictable. It’s easier for drivers to know your patterns if you cross at legal crosswalks rather than crossing in the middle of the road.

Stay Wary

There are many pedestrian accidents that happen at crosswalks. The best advice is to take a second look before attempting to cross the street. It’s important to remain defensive, much like you do when you’re driving. Don’t assume a driver sees you. Make eye contact and ensure that they know you’re present before making any movements toward the road.

It’s a Two Way Street

Although pedestrians have an obligation to be aware of their surroundings, drivers can also reduce accident risk by doing a few simple things.

When driving up to a cross-walk, move cautiously and look to all entry points for pedestrians. Whenever you see a pedestrian in a cross-walk be sure to stop even if there are no signs telling you to do so. Finally, when braking suddenly for a pedestrian, be sure to check your mirrors for oncoming cars behind you or to your sides.

Your summer should be full of fun, spending time with family and friends. Keep you and your loved ones safe by following these simple tips. Watch the pedestrian related accidents video

 The Cellino & Barnes Scholarship Selection Committee has reviewed all of the applications and determined that there were many “highly deserving” applications.

We were extremely impressed with the quality of the student applicants – with their dedication to education, extra-curricular activities and to their community. 

Cellino & Barnes has been successful in personal injury law because we work hard and are dedicated to making a difference. We encourage all students to make the most of your college opportunity, by learning from those around you and trying to make a difference.

The 2010 Scholarship winners are being notified by telephone and their names have been posted on our website. 

2010 College Scholarship Winners

Ross Cellino and Steve Barnes thank you for being outstanding high school seniors. Study hard this fall.

 How did we get through the day before cell phones? We all managed somehow, didn’t we?

We were able to drive to work without texting our spouse a reminder to pick up the kids and we somehow made it two miles down the road without texting our friends “be right there”.

At Cellino & Barnes, we believe this series of blog posts has shown the dangers of texting while driving and how quickly someone can be seriously injured and killed due to this distraction.

We ask that you educate your children, family and friends on the dangers of texting while driving. Be safe and drive responsibly.

Summer is here, and riding a motorcycle is a great way to enjoy a beautiful day.

Bikers need to exercise extreme safety. Motorcycle accidents remain among the most dangerous with over 5,100 deaths per year.

Here are a few tips to review from the motorcycle accident attorneys at Cellino & Barnes on how to stay out of harm’s way this summer:

Prepare to Hit the Roads

Make sure your thoroughly check your machine. This includes your lights, turn signals, brakes, mirrors, chain, and cables to make sure they’re all up to the manufacturer’s specifications.

This advice may seem like a no-brainer for experienced motorcyclists, however, there are many new riders, of all ages, on the road.

You might also think about getting some new quality gear. Does your helmet need an upgrade? Do you need boots to cover your ankles? Frayed gloves? Try some new durable, non-slip gloves for extra safety.

On the Highway

You’re geared up and ready to go. But there is still a lot you can do to protect yourself and other motorist while you’re on the streets. 

  • ALWAYS wear your helmet. Make sure that you’re wearing one that meets federal safety standards.  
  • Be as visible to other drivers as possible. Keep your headlights on during the daytime, wear reflective gear, and equip your bike with a fairing or windshield.
  • Get proper training. Bikers who are well trained on how to ride and care for their bikes are less likely to be involved in Motorcycle Accidents.
  • Ride Sober. Alcohol and other drugs affect judgment and do not mix with motorcycling.
  • Finally, stick to the speed limit. Be smart and slow down. 

We hope these tips may offer some help and that you will be able to enjoy the feeling of the open road for many years. Watch the Robert Schreck motorcycle related accidents video.

 Think back to the times when you’ve texted while driving. Was it to text your boss those earnings forecasts? Or maybe a meet up with friends?

We’ve essentially been conditioned, like Pavlov’s dogs, to respond to our phone’s ringing and buzzes. It’s not as though our friends can’t wait till we get home to respond to their messages, nor does it make sense to focus our cognitive abilities on giving our bosses in-depth reports while we drive.

Our addiction to staying connected everywhere has essentially created a dangerous driving environment on the roads.

So, how can you help? Starting now, educate your children, family and friends on the dangers of texting while driving. The simple habit of waiting until you’re not behind the wheel could save a life.

Pools are a great place for summertime fun. Unfortunately, pools can also be the scene of very serious accidents. Over 3,500 people died last year from unintentional drowning accidents alone.

Here are some basic tips to review with your family to help keep everyone safe.

Dangers to children

Children are always at the greatest risk of having a swimming accident. Following a few easy rules could make all the difference.

Keep toys, towels, chairs or anything that can easily trip someone away from the edge of the pool. Slip and fall accidents occur easily enough on the wet surface surrounding a pool.

Although it seems like common sense, keep tricycles, bikes, Power-Wheels, and skateboards off of the pool deck. Children can accidentally ride these into the pool and could quickly turn a carefree joyride into a tragedy.

Additional dangers

It seems basic but keeping electrical appliances away from the water can avoid many deadly situations. Also, know the depth of the water and do not allow any diving into shallow water.

Precaution can outweigh the tragic effects of an accident at the pool.

While doing research for this series on texting while driving, we were reminded just how dangerous distracted driving is and how quickly a tragic accident can happen.

There are numerous shocking texting while driving videos on the web, but we wanted to find a video that would share with you the stories behind the tragedies. This video clearly shares the pain people feel when they have lost a loved one in a texting while driving accident. It also shares the sorrow and remorse felt by someone who was the cause of a tragedy.


Although you may have seen this episode on texting while driving, which aired in January, 2010, it will have the same affect on you the second and third time you watch it. We encourage you to share this video with your loved ones.

Please do not text and drive.